Domino’s Pizza Japan is boosting its menu offerings, with 11 new pizzas in two new ranges aimed at reaching new customers on more customer occasions.

Domino’s Pizza Japan President and CEO Josh Kilimnik said the new products included an American Classic range aimed to overturn the traditional view in Japan that pizza was expensive, and only for special occasions.

“Our new American Classic range clearly shows customers pizza is for every occasion, with high quality, authentic ingredients, at an affordable price,” Mr Kilimnik said.

The new pizzas, launched this week, include traditional American flavours including Philly cheese Steak in Philadelphia, BBQ chicken from New Orleans, and flavours from California’s West Coast.

“The American Classic range targets the 50% of office workers who buy lunch at convenience stores and supermarkets, where their average lunch is less than 900 Yen – our starting price for this range is just 799 Yen.

“We believe the American Classic range has the potential to excite a new customer segment, showing great value pizza is an affordable, fun and fast option for lunch – that also tastes great.”

At the same time, Domino’s said the company would continue to build its reputation as a meal for premium occasions, with the new Super Star range.

“The Quatro Super Star pizza demonstrates this approach, with black tiger prawns, Japanese wagyu, and sirloin steak – premium ingredients aimed at a premium occasion.

“With a range that includes premium wagyu and Italian Bocconcini, pizzas in the Super Star range start at 2500 Yen – a premium price but delivering great value for premium ingredients.”

“We look forward to sharing with our customers new tastes and ingredients developed in our Tokyo development kitchen.”

Domino’s Pizza Enterprises (DPE) was Australia’s first publicly-listed pizza company and is the master franchisor for the Domino’s Pizza brand in Australia, New Zealand, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Japan, and Luxembourg. Across these eight markets, DPE and its franchisees operate over 2,540 stores.

Nathan Scholz