Announcement on CEO Europe

Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Limited’s (the Company’s) CEO Europe, Andrew Rennie, is retiring from the Domino’s business with effect from 28 June 2020.

Current DPE Europe Chief Operations Officer Andre ten Wolde, a 15-year Domino’s veteran, will assume the CEO role at that time, with Mr Rennie and Mr Ten Wolde continuing to work closely together during this transition.

Group CEO and Managing Director Don Meij thanked Mr Rennie for his service in Australia/New Zealand and Europe over more than two decades and credited his leadership throughout a period of extraordinary growth for the Company.

“I’m privileged to count Andrew as both a teammate, trusted advisor, and friend.

“When we entered Europe in 2006, many questioned whether an Australian company could be successful in expanding offshore – that is no longer in doubt, and Andrew’s leadership has been a key driver of this success.

“Andrew is known by the Board, leadership team, franchisees and team members for his hard work and can-do approach to business; he is enthusiastic about any challenge and inspires all of those around him to deliver their best.

“True leaders empower others, and Andrew’s lasting Domino’s legacy is the team of leaders he has built in Europe; now we have a cohesive team of regional CEOs and country managers in every market, supported by team members and franchisees that will continue to innovate and grow.

Mr Rennie said he was confident now was the right time to retire from the Domino’s business and return to Australia.

“The leadership team we have in place in Europe, and across the business, is the strongest we’ve had in history,” Mr Rennie said.

“Accordingly, as a large investor in DPE, my present intention is to retain the majority of my shareholding, to continue to benefit from the future success of this business.

“I’ve been privileged to have had the opportunity to contribute to building a business that has created careers and financial security for so many franchisees, team members and their families.

“I’m very proud of Andre in taking the next step in his career, and have every confidence he will be ably supported by the teams surrounding him, led by Andrew Bradley (France), Stoffel Thijs (Germany), Misja Vroom (Benelux), and Kellie Taylor (Denmark). “I wish my colleagues and friends all the best in their efforts, and look forward to coming home for this next chapter of my life.”

This release has been authorised for release by the Board of Directors.

For further information, contact Nathan Scholz, Head of Investor Relations at or on +61-419-243-517.


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